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LEED (Building / Bâtiment)

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Term Definition
LEED (Building / Bâtiment)
The acronym LEED comes from “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design”, designation from the U.S. Green Building Council ( In Canada, the Green Building Council of Canada is the only organization able to attribute a LEED certification. There are different construction types, including “NC” for new construction, and “EB” for existing building. In addition, there are four levels of LEED certifications: certified, silver, gold and platinum, depending on the number of points obtained in each category of criteria. Building whose design, construction and use are designed to reduce harm to the environment. The use of environmentally friendly or recycled materials, solar cells, building orientation depending on the natural light, recycling of rainwater are all factors that characterize a green building.
Contact Us:

88 Prince Street, Suite 201
Montreal, Quebec H3C 2M8

Tél: 514.844.4431

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